Big Box Retailer Opportunity

Case Study


A US manufacturer of plastic products was asked by an existing big-box retail customer to add another product line to a second section within the store. The customer also asked that the manufacturer develop an exclusive new brand that needed to be complete for the launch. The product needed to be on the shelf, with a marketing campaign and shelf signage within a four-month period. Sales for this section has the potential of increasing annual sales for the entire manufacturer by 60%-90%. This increase in sales requires additional infrastructure, creation of a marketing program and appropriate buildup of inventory.

What We Did

Evergreen worked with the company to create and execute on a plan that would ensure a successful rollout as well as keep the company focused on the remaining business. We worked with the company to develop an action plan for a multi-functional team. Elements to consider were cash flow, manufacturing capacity (labor, machinery and inventory), forecasting, intellectual property, product development, marketing and sales. We also had to work with the broker and the retailer to ensure that we were delivering an experience that exceeded the retailer’s expectations. Evergreen established regularly scheduled touch-base meetings to keep the project on task and make sure that everyone was getting the support they needed.


The product line was manufactured and ready for stores ahead of schedule and was an overwhelming success. The communication within the organization as well as with the retailer has led to several other large promotions since the project went live almost two years ago. Many of the same tools in forecasting and speed to market are still being used today.